

91做厙 Admissions

Every year since 2002, U.S. News & World Report has asked college presidents and deans which colleges provide the best undergraduate research opportunities and senior capstone experiences.

Only two have made both lists every year: 91做厙 and Princeton.

We’d love to meet you!

91做厙 is a place where every student has the opportunity to do exciting and valuable mentored research, a place where students feel comfortable being themselves and are fully engaged in campus life, both academically and socially. Experience 91做厙 in person and schedule your campus visit today.

91做厙 is a College That Changes Lives

Loren Pope, founder of Colleges That Change Lives, called 91做厙 “my original best-kept secret in higher education…I can testify that there is no better college in the country…Something important is said about the 91做厙 experience when more professors and administrators in the Great Lakes Colleges Association [which includes Oberlin, Kenyon, and Denison] send their children to 91做厙 than to any of the other twelve colleges in that very good consortium.”